lunes, 26 de julio de 2010



Libro publicado por C. J. Heusser (2003)


Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Backdrop of botanical exploration

Chapter 3 Physical setting
3.1 South America, Southern Ocean, and Antarctica. Their Position in the Southern Hemisphere
3.2 Andean Cordillera
3.2.1 Glaciers and Icefields
3.3 Valle Central
3.4 Cordillera de la Costa
3.4.1 Plate Tectonics
3.4.2 Seismic Activity
3.5 Continental Shelf

Chapter 4 Climate
4.1 General Characteristics
4.2 Climate Controls

Chapter 5 Glaciation
5.1 Late Tertiary-Pleistocene
5.2 Last Glaciation
5.2.1 Regi6n de los Lagos-Isla Grande de Chiloé
5.2.2 Fuego-Patagonia
5.3 Lateglacial
5.4 Present Interglaciation: Holocene
5.4.1 Glaciar San Rafael: A Case History of Holocene Glacier Variations
5.5 Glacier Models and Paleoclimate

Chapter 6 Land-sea level variations

Chapter 7 Volcanism
7.1 Fuego-Patagonia
7.2 Peninsula de Taitao-Archipi61ago de los Chonos-Adjacent Andes
7.3 Región de los Lagos
7.4 Settlement Volcanic Activity

Chapter 8 Vegetation
8.1 Chilean Plant Formations
8.1.1 Thorn Shrub-Succulent Vegetation (Espinal)
8.1.2 Broad Sclerophyllous Woodland (Matorral)
8.1.3 Lowland Deciduous Beech Forest
8.1.4 Valdivian Evergreen Forest
8.1.5 North Patagonian Evergreen Forest
8.1.6 Subantarctic Evergreen Forest-Magellanic Moorland
8.1.7 Subantarctic Deciduous Beech Forest
8.1.8 Subtropical Xerophytic High Andean Vegetation-Andean Tundra
8.1.9 Fuego-Patagonian Steppe
8.2 Argentine Plant Formations
8.2.1 Subantarctic Province
8.2.2 Patagonian Province
8.2.3 Monte Province
8.2.4 High Andean Province
8.2.5 Puna Province
8.3 Community Distribution and Dynamics

Chapter 9 Man, megafauna, and fire

Chapter 10 Research methods: approach to the problem of paleoenvironmental reconstruction
10.1 Field
10.2 Laboratory
10.3 Pollen and Spore Morphology

Chapter 11 Pollen fallout reflective of vegetation during latest centuries: presettlement and settlement
11.1 Presettlement
11.1.1 Thorn-Shrub Succulent Vegetation
11.1.2 Broad Sclerophyllous Woodland
11.1.3 Lowland Deciduous Beech Forest-Valdivian Evergreen Forest
11.1.4 Valdivian Evergreen Forest
11.1.5 North Patagonian Evergreen Forest
11.1.6 Subantarctic Deciduous Beech Forest-Subantarctic Evergreen Forest-Fuego-Patagonian Steppe
11.1.7 Pollen Fallout in the Araucaria District of Argentina and Downslope to the Atlantic Ocean
11.2 Settlement

Chapter 12 Paleoecological sites, cores, and pollen/spore diagrams
12.1 Northern Valle Central
12.1.1 Laguna de Tagua Tagua (34.48° S, 71.15°W)
12.2 Región de los Lagos
12.2.1 Rucafiancu (39.55° S, 72.30° W)
12.2.2 Fundo Llanquihue (41.23° S, 73.06° W)
12.2.3 Fundo Nueva Braunau (40.29° S, 73.08° W)
12.2.4 Alerce (41.39° S, 72.88° W)
12.3 Isla Grande de Chiloé
12.3.1 Taiquem6 (42.17° S, 76.60° W)
12.3.2 Dalcahue (42.34° S, 73.76° W)
12.3.3 Mayol (42.64° S, 73.76° W)
12.4 Chiloé Continental
12.4.1 Cuesta Moraga (43.42° S, 72.38° W)
12.5 Southern Patagonia
12.5.1 Torres del Paine (50.98° S, 72.67° W)
12.5.2 Punta Arenas (53.15° S, 70.95° W)
12.5.3 Puerto del Hambre (53.61° S, 70.93° W)
12.6 Fuegia
12.6.1 Bahía Inutil (53.45° S, 70.10° W)
12.6.2 Onamonte (53.90° S, 68.95° W)
12.6.3 Lago Fagnano (54.57° S, 67.62° W)
12.6.4 Cabo San Pablo (54.30° S, 66.75° W)
12.6.5 Puerto Harberton (54.87° S, 67.88° W)
12.6.6 Caleta Róbalo (54.93° S, 67.63° W)
12.6.7 Ushuaia (54.80° S, 68.38° W)
12.6.8 Bahía Moat (54.90° S, 66.73° W)

Chapter 13 Ice age Southern Andes
13.1 Vegetation and Paleoclimate
13.2 Beetle (Coleoptera) and Pollen Evidence for Fullglacial-Lateglacial Climatic Change
13.3 Plant Migration
13.4 Relict Communities and Refugia
13.5 Correlative Marine-Land Stratigraphies

Chapter 14 Global connections
14.1 New Zealand-Tasmania
14.2 Southern Ocean-Antarctica
14.3 Europe-North Atlantic-North America
14.4 Overview

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